(916) 290-1970

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Cancellation Policy


You can cancel a service through the BeautyRyder app before start of service, but may be charged a cancellation fee if you cancel after you’re matched with your driver.

Cancellation fees pay Ryders for the time and effort they spend getting to your location.

Service requests should only be made when you’re ready and near the pickup location.

Cancelling a Service

You may be charged a cancellation fee if:

  • You cancel a few minutes after a Ryder accepts the order. The specific amount of time depends on your location.
  • Your Ryder cancels after waiting a few minutes at your location. The specific amount of time depends on your location.

Cancelling a Booking

You may be charged a cancellation fee:

  • If you cancel a few minutes after your Ryder accepts the booking. The specific amount of time depends on your location.
  • If your Ryder cancels after waiting a few minutes at the location. The specific amount of time depends on your location.

Waived cancellation fees

You won’t be charged a cancellation fee if:

  • Your Ryder took much longer than expected to arrive.
  • BeautyRyder detects that your Ryder isn’t making much progress to your location.

If you believe you were charged a cancellation fee in error, raise a support ticket on BeautyRyder app.

Service Delivery

Once you are matched with the beautician, normal time of arrival will be within 30 minutes depending on distance:

Next steps

  • 1- You will see beautician location on the app.
  • 2- Estimated time for arrival will be mentioned.
  • 3- If you want to cancel the order, see cancellation fees.